September 19, 2024

KPLC Customer in Kericho Alleges Bribery Demands, Fictitious Billing, and Lack of Power Restoration

A customer in Chemobei Village, Kericho County has come forward with serious allegations against the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC). The customer, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims to have suffered from KPLC’s poor service and demands for bribes in order to restore power to their home.

According to the customer, they received a fictitious bill of Kshs 160,000 in 2021, which they only became aware of later that year. The customer began making payments to settle the bill, reducing the balance to approximately Kshs 50,000.In May 2024, the KPLC officer handling the customer’s case, identified as Jackline Ochoe Kemunto (mobile number: 0727389243), allegedly requested an additional payment of Kshs 10,000. The customer claims to have paid this amount but alleges that Kemunto has still not restored power to their home.

The customer further states that they have reached out to the head of the Kericho office for assistance, but the official appears to have no control over Kemunto’s actions. KPLC’s Customer Complaints Handling Guide outlines various channels for customers to report issues, including a hotline at 97771, email at cu**********@kp**.ke, and in-person visits to local offices. The guide promises acknowledgment of written complaints within two days and resolution within three days for most issues.

However, the customer in Kericho claims to have exhausted these options without success. They are now appealing to KPLC’s management and the public for help in resolving this predicament.

KPLC has faced numerous complaints in recent years regarding power outages, billing discrepancies, and poor customer service. A review on Trustpilot describes the company as “incompetent and lazy,” citing a major nationwide blackout in May 2024 that lasted for hours.The customer’s allegations, if proven true, would represent a serious breach of KPLC’s responsibilities and a violation of consumer trust. The company must address these concerns promptly and transparently to restore public confidence in its operations.